June 04, 2024 2 min read

Next Generation Auto Welding Technology, i5s SMART SPOT WELDING COBOT

Patented Next Generation Auto Welding Technology

First Shown at SEMA Las Vegas in 2023 Prospot USA showcased an integrated  safe, easy-to-use COBOT Automated Welding Workcell with robotic welding arm and integrated spot welder.

It grew huge crowds as the robot was shown to be spot welding on a Pickup truck body.

The Prospot Cobot is a mobile robotic work station thats easily programmed via Dual full-color touchscreens for menu controls, СОВОТ programming and on-board training libraries.  The interface is URCAP approved for quick and easy programming.

It can be configured with three different sized robti arms with lengths of 900mm to  1750mm. The arm fully supports the latest I5 lightweight transgun that has an onboard control screen and can be configured using six arm setups.


Prospt Automation Robot welding a tray

The benefits of automation are paramount 

The most advanced welding technology.
• Auto Weld, sense material thickness, resistance to adjust the weld profile automatically.
• Built in library for materials, weld caps, thickness stackups for Semi-Auto mode.
• Intuitive Touch Screen interface, with on-board training and user manuals, both in Video and PDF form.
• Repeatable, reliable welds, with complete data capture of welding and machine data.
• Connected: WiFi enabled keeps weld control
software up-to-date. Ability to export data logs to email via WiFi for the ultimate in traceability and process control.

The Prospot Automation Solution is a robotic welding system designed to automate spot welding processes in manufacturing. It utilizes advanced robotics and sensor technology to perform precise, consistent, and efficient spot welding operations.



Key Features

  • Robotic Arm: The system is equipped with a multi-axis robotic arm capable of reaching various weld locations with high accuracy and repeatability.
  • Spot Welding Gun: An integrated spot welding gun applies controlled electrical current to join metal sheets or components through resistance spot welding.
  • Programmable Controls: The system can be programmed with specific weld patterns, sequences, and parameters for different applications.
  • Safety Features: Integrated safety measures, such as light curtains and emergency stops, protect operators from potential hazards can be implemented.
Prospot Automation Robot Spot welder


The future of spot welding is here with the NEW Cobot from Prospot.

Want more information on the new Prospot Cobot System? Please Contact us!

 Download the brochure for the Prospot Spot Welding Cobot


And theres more!



Prospot Automated Dustless Sanding system



Experience the Ultimate Automated Sanding Solution - Clean and Safe!

The new DE-PRO sanding system is a comprehensive Sanding Station with a detachable dust extractor built for high-performance in tough settings, delivering superior dust extraction.



Effective and Safe Automated Sanding Solution

The sanding system is suitable for steel or aluminum materials. A 2-in-1 mobile sanding system featuring a dual-action orbital sander allows for sanding difficult areas for extended durations.



• Aluminum Safe
• Dust-Free: patented Dust Extraction System
• ATEX certification with many OEM certifications
• Low Air Consumption: 5-7 CFM [ 2-3,5 litres/s]
• Mobile - Wheel to your workpiece, Flexible Automation
• EASY training, sanding area setup, force control.


Want more information on the new Prospot Cobot System? Please Contact us!

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