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Need Some Help? 0161 223 1843
Automatic Hose Reels are used for organizing workshops and workstations. They save time and allow flexible hoses to be used safely and efficiently. The reel action enables you to pull out the required length of hose and the ratchet mechanism will lock this into place. This means you only have the required length of hose that you need for the job. It also ensures hoses are safer from cuts and scrapes as they are stored away rather than being on the floor where they are easily damaged.
The Questock SPR tools are high quality and come with the latest battery technology for a range of guns for every application. We at BWS have extensive experience in sales and service for all types SPR Rivet guns and can give the best advice and support for your needs. If you need any technical support or have a query then please click the "Message Us" button and speak to one of our experts!